Why we believe God’s Kingdom will be on earth
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThis is a special evening on the exciting subject of the Kingdom of God. It will be an interactive discussion on what is God's Kingdom and why we believe from the Bible that it will be on this earth. When will it happen? Who will rule this kingdom? Why is this important to you? You ... Read more
Why we believe Russia is a key player in Bible Prophecy
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe Bible contains clear prophecies about what the nation of Russia has done, and will do in our times. This is amazing as these prophecies were written 2,500 years ago. It's also important because what Russia will be doing will affect people in all countries of the world. You are invited to come to hear ... Read more
Why we believe we are in the last days
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe term "The Last Days" is used in the Bible of the end time events of the world war of Armageddon. The events in the world now align with what the Bible says will happen in "The Last Days". We are close to a time of great trouble - yet there is plenty to be ... Read more
Why we believe resurrection is mankind’s only hope
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe Bible provides an amazing hope of having eternal life in God's coming kingdom. Its a hope that true believers in God have embraced for thousands of years. Its the Bible promise of resurrection from death to live for ever in total happiness. Does this sound unreal? Its not unreal, its a very sure promise ... Read more
Why we believe Halloween is not Godly
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyHalloween is coming up on 31 October. What should be our attitude to this festival of Halloween. Isn't it just a time for kids to go "trick or treating"? However the origins of Halloween are about Devil worship. Come and hear the truth about Halloween. There is plenty of opportunity for discussion.
Why we believe God really does exist
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyIt is understandable that many people wonder whether God exists. God is not a being that we can see with our human eyes. So how do we know that he exists? Come and hear some of the mountains of evidence that God is real and God does exist. God also offers every person eternal life ... Read more
Is Bible teaching absolute or relative truth?
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyIn our post-modern world many "truths" are considered relative truths. eg: You have your truth about what happens after death and I have a different truth about life after death. You are invited to hear how the Bible is not a relative truth, but an absolute truth like gravity and electricity. The Bible is a ... Read more
The Truth about the Devil
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyMost Christian religions believe in a supernatural Devil that is the arch enemy of God and roams the earth tempting men and women. However the Bible evidence for such a concept is not really there. The term "Devil" does not occur in the Old Testament at all. The supposed identification of the Devil as a ... Read more
Should Christians keep the Sabbath?
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleySome Christian groups honestly and sincerely believe that we should keep the Sabbath (Saturday) as a holy day. Some will quote the Bible and refer to the 4th of the 10 commandments "Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy" (Exod 19:8-11). Sounds convincing so far. But when we look at the New Testament and ... Read more
Why did Jesus have to die?
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyEvery Easter there is a remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ about 2000 years ago. So why did he have to die? Many Churches give many different answers to this question. Some say that Jesus died instead of us. You are invited to come and hear what the Bible really teaches about why Jesus ... Read more
Proofs there is a God
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyDo you have doubts as to whether God exists or not? Plenty of people do have doubts. God does not appear as a person that we can see. So how can we know if God is real? You are invited to come and hear the amazing and compelling evidence that God does indeed exist. See ... Read more
God’s Answer to Middle East Turmoil
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyIran's attack on Israel with over 300 missiles and drones on 13-14 April increased the tension in the Middle East considerably. The Israel - Hamas war continues and Hezbollah is still firing many rockets from Lebanon into Israel. Where is all this heading? Will the conflict level escalate? Bible Prophecy has predicted the very situation ... Read more
One Bible – Why so many churches?
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyIt's a very logical question to ask. Surely all churches that base their beliefs on the Bible would all teach the same things. But they don't. Why? You are invited to come and hear the answer. The answer is quite simple and obvious once you have heard what it is. All welcome.
The book of Mormon compared with the Bible
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThere are a range of "Holy Books" in the world, one of which is the book of Mormon. There are a lot of genuine people that believe that it is a book from God. However we will take a closer look to see if that is true and also whether it is in agreement with ... Read more
The Koran compared with the Bible
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe Koran (also spelt as the Qu'ran) is the holy book of the Islamic faith. This presentation is about how the Qu'ran compares to the Bible and whether the differences are important. A very interesting evening. All are welcome.
Is hinduism compatible with the Bible
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe Hindu religion has large numbers of adherents, particularly in India. How does the teaching of Hindu compare with the Bible? Do they teach different things? Do these differences matter? There are many very sincere Hindus and this Bible presentation does not doubt the sincerity of anyone, but is aimed to determining the Truth of ... Read more
Is Buddhism compatible with the Bible
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe teachings of Buddha are embraced by many people, Many Buddhists are very sincere about their beliefs. This presentation considers how the teachings of Buddha compare withe teachings of the Bible. Are there differences? Are any of these differences important? You are invited to come and hear this interesting presentation. All welcome.
Modern Israel – fulfilment of Prophecy
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe existence of the state of Israel is a miracle. The Jewish people were without a homeland for 1900 years, but in 1948 the state of Israel was reborn - in fulfilment of many Bible prophecies that Israel would again exist in the latter days. You are invited to come and hear about these prophecies ... Read more
God’s solution to the Israel, Palestinian Question
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyEver since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, there has not been peace between Israel and the Palestinians. There have been wars in 1948, 1967, 1973 etc and a war going on in 2024 between Gaza Palestinians and Israel. What is the answer to this intractable problem? Many nations have proposed solutions, ... Read more
Fulfilled Bible Prophecies about cities and nations
Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt WaverleyThe Bible is full of prophecies. Some are waiting for a latter day fulfilment. However many Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and this gives us confidence that the latter day ones will also be fulfilled. This lecture is about Bible prophecies about cities and nations that have been fulfilled, but not just fulfilled in a ... Read more
All are welcome to these events. The events are free of charge and free of obligation. You will never be asked for money.