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Fulfilled Bible Prophecies about cities and nations

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

The Bible is full of prophecies.  Some are waiting for a latter day fulfilment.  However many Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and this gives us confidence that the latter day ones will also be fulfilled.  This lecture is about Bible prophecies about cities and nations that have been fulfilled, but not just fulfilled in a ... Read more

World History foretold by Daniel the Prophet

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

In the Bible, the book of the prophet Daniel is full of amazing prophecies.  In fact there are not just prophecies about cities and nations, but prophecies about the course of the world over hundreds and thousands of years.  So many of these prophecies have been fulfilled in great detail.  This is another great proof ... Read more

Prophecies of Russia invading Israel

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

The Bible is full of prophecies that have been fulfilled.  There are also latter day prophecies in the Bible.  One of these is in Ezekiel Chapter 38, where it prophesies that Russia will invade the land of Israel in the latter days.  For many decades there has been a friendship between Russia and Israel.  However ... Read more

The Israel / Palestine conflict – the Bible Perspective

Drouin Secondary College 52 Main S Rd, Drouin, VIC, Australia

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is in the news every day.  The war in Gaza is one of bloodshed and death. The presentation at this event will explain the Bible solution to this apparently insoluble situation.  This is a solution that has substance to it and will happen in the future.   It will ... Read more


What is Armageddon? When will it happen?

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

The word Armageddon is mostly misunderstood.  It is sometimes used of any great and crucial conflict.  The Bible, however, uses the term Armageddon of the last and final battle of the world as we know it today.  Its a battle involving all nations of the world.  See Revelation 16:14 and Revelation 16:16.  There is lots ... Read more

Bible Discussion

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This is a free and open Bible discussion currently exploring the book of the Bible called "The Gospel of John".  All are welcome to attend.  We will also be happy to discuss any questions about the Bible.


The coming Kingdom of God on Earth

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This is the best good news story there is.  The Bible promises that there will be God's Kingdom established on the earth when Jesus Christ returns to the earth.  Its a time of joy and happiness.  A time when all wrongs will be set right.  Its a wonderful time that you can be part of, ... Read more

Jesus Christ to be King of the World

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

Following on from 6 October presentation on "The coming kingdom of God on Earth", this goes on to explain that the ruler of this coming kingdom will be Jesus Christ.  How does this happen?  Jesus Christ will return to earth, but he will have a different role that he had 2000 years ago.  This time ... Read more

How Christ will govern the earth

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

The previous presentations in this series have covered that there is going to be a Kingdom of God on earth and that Jesus Christ will rule this kingdom and the world.  This presentation outlines what the Bible says about how will Jesus Christ rule the world. Will he be a cruel and harsh dictator?  How ... Read more

Jerusalem – capital of a world at peace

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

Continuing in the series on the coming Kingdom of God, this presentation will show from the Bible that Jerusalem will be the capital city of the world. This will be a very different Jerusalem to the one today.  Jerusalem will be a city of peace and joy and happiness for everyone.  Jesus Christ will dwell ... Read more

What will life in God’s kingdom be like

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

Having outlined in previous presentations what the Bible says will be the character and nature of the coming Kingdom of God on earth, this presentation focusses on what will life be like for people in the Kingdom.  Will it be the same as today?  No the Bible says it will be very different in many ... Read more

How you can be in God’s Kingdom

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This series of presentations has given an outline of what the Bible says about the coming Kingdom of God.  The focus of this final presentation in the series is about how you can be in the Kingdom of God and how you can get to enjoy the enormous benefits it offers for people.  To get ... Read more

There is only one Truth

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

It might be fashionable to think that Truth is a relative concept and that we can all have our own version of what is Truth.  However the Bible is very clear that there is only one version of Truth.  Furthermore the Bible is clear that God only offers salvation to those that believe that one  ... Read more

Bible Discussion

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This is a free and open Bible discussion currently exploring the book of the Bible called "The Gospel of John".  All are welcome to attend.  We will also be happy to discuss any questions about the Bible.

Why we believe the Bible

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

The Bible is a book that claims to be the message of God to this world.  But how can one be sure that is true?  There are all sorts of "holy books" in various religions.  How do we know that the Bible is really true and can be believed.  What we would like to show ... Read more

Bible Discussion

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This is a free and open Bible discussion currently exploring the book of the Bible called "The Gospel of John".  All are welcome to attend.  We will also be happy to discuss any questions about the Bible.

Who is God?

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

Many people have many different understandings about "who is  God".  Does that matter?  Well the Bible says it does matter a lot.  Bible teaching is that it's vitally important to know who God is.    Jesus Christ said (John 17:3) "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God"  The apostle ... Read more

Bible Discussion

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

This is a free and open Bible discussion currently exploring the book of the Bible called "The Gospel of John".  All are welcome to attend.  We will also be happy to discuss any questions you may have about the Bible.


What has God promised us?

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

You may be surprised to hear that there is much misunderstanding as to what God promises to people that believe in him.  For example, Has God promised that we will go to heaven when we die?  This is a common misunderstanding.  You are invited to come and hear what is the true teaching of the ... Read more

Bible Discussion

Mt Waverley Christadelphians 354-358 Waverley Rd, Mt Waverley

All are welcome to attend this free and open Bible discussion where we explore books of the Bible together.  There is opportunity for all to contribute and all to learn about what the Bible teaches.   We will also be happy to discuss any questions about the Bible.

All are welcome to these events.  The events are free of charge and free of obligation.  You will never be asked for money.