Presentation at Drouin – 15 September

Israel / Palestine Conflict – The Bible Perspective

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is raging.  Israel is at war with Hamas in Gaza  From Lebanon, Hezbollah is firing rockets into Israel causing loss of life and property damage.  The Houthis in Yemen are sending drones against Israel and attacking shipping in the Red Sea.  Iran is make increasingly aggressive threats against Israel. Even more open conflict seems to be looming in the region.

World opinion is divided.  Some side with Israel in their desire to eradicate Hamas because they murdered, kidnapped and maimed more than1,200 Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023.  They have fired over 35,000 rockets into Israel since 2005.  Others side with the Palestinians claiming that Israel has indiscriminately killed over 50,000 Palestinians, reduced Gaza to rubble and caused massive food shortages endangering the lives of Palestinians. 

How can this conflict be resolved?  Is a two state arrangement the solution?  One for Israel and one for Palestinians?  But the Palestinian leadership has rejected two state solutions repeatedly.  They want all the land “from the river (Jordan) to the Sea (Mediterranean)” – as per the image to the right.  This would mean no state of Israel.

This conflict has been going on since 1948 when the United Nations partition of the land into a Jewish State and a Palestinian State was implemented.  It seems like this is an intractable problem which not even the United Nations can solve. 

However the Bible does have the answer.  Surprisingly the Bible not only gives the solution, but also describes what will lead to the solution being implemented resulting in 1000 years of peace in the Middle East.  This will all be detailed in the presentation at the Drouin Secondary College, Senior Learning Centre, Main South Road Drouin, on 15 September, starting at 2pm. 

Some Bible Prophecies that are relevant are, Joel Chapter 3, Zechariah chapter 14, Ezekiel chapters 37 & 38